The exhibition of the artist Tilen Žbona, associate professor at the University of Primorska, took place at the Gallery of the National Institute of Chemistry on September 27, 2018, covering the field of fine arts.
He is an artist who studied at the Venetian Academy and at the Ljubljana Academy, and is simultaneously engaged in the psychology of art and artistic practices. He has a PhD in "Using New Media in Teaching Spatial Design in Elementary School."
SAKADA-SACCADE Exhibition, Vol. II, or the title of the exhibition itself, comes from recent research into the movement of the eye in the perception of the environment, the sense of duration and the fluidity of events in connection with our perception of the environment through a visual apparatus. Of course, in the exhibited works we will not see scientific research, but Tilen Žbona leans on this psychological-physiological fact and tries to think it through certain stories, procedures, through some concretization of the record and reflection of the view.

Curator: Jiri Kočica