History of knowledge transfer
The research and activities of the National Institute of Chemistry have been transferring to the industry since its establishment, as it is one of the main Institute's missions. Over the past decade, we have begun to systematically build on the capabilities of applying our cutting-edge basic research and knowledge.
In 2003, the Innovation Committee was established. The basic activity was to recognise the value of inventions, choose successful research and draft patent applications. During the period of the Innovation Committee's activities, we realized that we can establish ourselves as one of the two leading research institutions in Slovenia following good practices of cooperation with the domestic and foreign economy.
In 2016, the Institute joined the Consortium for Technology Transfer (KTT) to further develop and adequately support the activities of transferring and licensing Slovenian knowledge to industry, together with the entire consortium of public research institutions. The Knowledge Transfer Office was formally established, which, together with external experts and good practices, conceived the concept of developing the Office's operations.
In the transition from 2018 to 2019, the Knowledge Transfer Office, with the support of the Institute's Director, designed the first Slovenian 'Proof-of-Concept' support to raise the Technology Readiness Level of innovations of the National Institute of Chemistry. In addition to recognizing and protecting the Institute's intellectual property, the Office also pays much attention to more active marketing of patented technologies and research facilities.