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For Industry

Rapidly scalable H2 storage and production through ammonia and hydrogen conversion by using magnetic heating

The increasing impact of fossil fuels calls for new carbon-free energy sources like hydrogen. However, stable and reversible storage methods are required due to hydrogen’s volatility. Ammonia is a good candidate, but its traditional catalytic decomposition is slow and requires external heating. This invention leverages magnetic (induction) heating for a quicker and efficient ammonia synthesis and decomposition.

This invention uses structured, magnetically heated catalysts for efficient ammonia synthesis and decomposition. It encompasses a reactor system for gas-phase catalysis as well as catalytic materials and their preparation procedures. By addressing the challenges of hydrogen storage, it eases the adoption of renewable energy sources and enhances the efficiency of hydrogen-based applications.

The main benefits of our technology include rapid and precise temperature adjustments crucial for integration with renewable energy sources. Additionally, it offers increased efficiency due to a minimized heat transfer distance. The invention thus enables a flexible and on-demand hydrogen gas production for applications like fuel cells and internal combustion engines running on hydrogen-ammonia mixtures.

Developed by: Department of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, NIC; Materials Synthesis Department, JSI.

Technology readiness level: TRL4.

Status of intellectual property: Patent pending.

Cooperation opportunities: Industrial testing and scale-up.

Scientific and academic papers 

Gyergyek, S., Ponikvar, Ž., Sedminek, A., Teržan, J., Skubic, L., Lavrič, Ž., Huš, M., Grilc, M., Likozar, B., Makovec, D. (2024). Electrified Dynamically Responsive Ammonia Decomposition to Hydrogen by Magnetic Heating of the Ru Nanocatalyst [Preprint, not peer-reviewed].

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