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About the Institute

HR Excellence in Research

Strategyforthedevelopmentofresearchers' scientificcareers

In January 2020, the Institute of Chemistry endorsed the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) recognition process. The European Commission's HRS4R Certificate gives public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resources policies with the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The HR Excellence in Research Award encourages research institutions to implement the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, through which research institutions ensure favorable working conditions, promising career opportunities, and increased mobility of researchers.

A working group has been appointed to coordinate the HRS4R recognition process. The Working Group has already met in February 2020 to review the principles set out in the Charter and the Code and to outline a timeline for the approach to HRS4R certification. Based on the principles set out in the Charter and the Code, the Working Group has developed a questionnaire for researchers on the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code at the Institute of Chemistry. Researchers at all stages of career development were invited to assess the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code at the Institute. The questionnaire results were used as a basis for preparing a Gap Analysis and an Action Plan.

In addition to the Working Group and the researchers, who were able to submit their suggestions for moving towards the principles set out in the Charter and the Code in a questionnaire, the Institute's management was also involved in the preparation of the Action Plan. The Institute’s Director presented to the Scientific Council and the members of the Board of Governors the documents prepared as a basis for the HRS4R certification.

The Working Group is composed of the:
- Marjan Bele, PhD
- prof. Marta Klanjšek Grude, PhD
- doc. Andrej Perdih, PhD
- Iva Hafner Bratkovič, PhD
- Matej Huš, PhD
- Tajda Klobučar
- Nana Gorjup
- Ivica Ilić





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