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For Young Academics

Janko Jamnik Doctoral Scholarship for a promising young researcher in the field of chemistry and related sciences

With the systemic resources for young researchers being reduced, the National Institute of Chemistry is trying to contribute at least in a small way to preserving prospective doctoral students. Each year, based on a competition, we award the Jamnik Scholarship for talented young people in science, which is partly funded by the Janko Jamnik Fund for talented young people in science and other resources of the National Institute of Chemistry. In this way, we enable the employment of a doctoral student. A distinctive feature of the doctoral scholarship is that the student chooses the department in which he or she wants to pursue their doctoral thesis.

In the call for scholarships, the National Institute of Chemistry invites the most promising and inquisitive young people with a desire to work in the research field to present their academic achievements and an essay on one of the current scientific topics. The Commission for the Pregl Doctoral Award receives the applications and selects the three most promising candidates to present themselves to the Director and members of the Commission in person, then selects the most promising of them.

Existing scholarship recipients are:

  1. Sabina Kolar (Department of Materials Chemistry), 2016

  2. Luka Kavčič (Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology), 2017

  3. Vesna Štih (Slovenian NMR Centre), 2018

  4. Tajda Klobučar (Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology, Laboratory for RNA networks), 2020

  5. Michel Adamič (Department of Materials Chemistry, Laboratory for Modern Battery Systems), 2020

  6. Ana Rebeka Kamšek (Department of Materials Chemistry, Laboratory for Electrocatalysis), 2021

  7. Maksimiljan Adamek (Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology), 2022

  8. Tjaša Mlakar (Department of Synthetic Biology and Immunology), 2022

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