Janko Jamnik Fund

In memory of the esteemed late director, Professor Janko Jamnik, we have founded a special " ‘Janko Jamnik Fund for witty young people in science". This way we wish to continue and maintain a special bond with young people which has been already established during the managing period of Prof. Jamnik.
The decision of becoming a researcher is not always easy. But our future in many ways depends on young researchers, and Prof. Jamnik was strongly aware of that. Therefore, he strongly believed in a promotion of scientific and research work and how to make it more attractive for young people. He was very eager to support curious young people; he knew how to encourage them at work at the Institute and shared his wide knowledge and experience with them.
The main purpose of the fund is:
- promotion of promising young researchers and scientists,
- support of the establishment and functioning of new/young groups,
- inclusion of foreign young researchers in the work of the Institute,
- support of the promising projects, where young people have an important role.
The Fund also offers to scientists at the beginning of their path the opportunity for education, work in established research groups and better career prospects.
The idea of prof. Jamnik was that promising young people should have the opportunity to go abroad, gain width, learn from the best their ethics; but then ensuring the right conditions for young people to return home and make their contribution to the growth, development and visibility of their working areas and society as a whole.
You are kindly invited to make a donation to the Fund to the account of the Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana, number: 01100-6030344533, specific reference: 0104.
From 10.04.2016 following persons and organizations donated to the Fund:
and others...