Project 5xPRO

Start of the 5xPRO project within the framework of the public tender "Activities for strengthening project management offices at public research organizations"
The consortium of 5 public institutes successfully won the project entitled "5xPRO Consortium of project management offices for strengthening excellence, interdisciplinarity and international involvement of the Slovenian research area" in the public tender "Activities for strengthening project management offices at public research organizations". The goal of the project is to increase knowledge, competences and improve collaboration between the project associates in the 5xPRO Consortium, including NGOs, researchers and key stakeholders.
The lead consortium partner is National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), while other partners who also participate in the project are National Institute of Biology (NIB) Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), Institute of Contemporary History (INZ) and The Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT).
Duration of the project: 20 April 2023 to 30 June 2026.
Total value of the project: €1,249,965.09, and it is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
In the 5xPRO project, we committed to raise the quality of applications compared to Horizon 2020 by 2%, and submit 100 applications to centralized tenders annually, thereby strengthening the competencies of more than 1,300 employees and establishing 1 new structure to strengthen project applications. The consortium will achieve this through 9 new full-time jobs and through the implementation of 42 events with professional content. In doing so, the 5xPRO consortium will create 15 electronic materials, which will both be written and recorded and all published in the Zenodo repository.
We are pleased to inform you that on May 23, 2023, we successfully held the first introductory meeting of our new 5xPRO project. At the meeting, the vision of the project, its goals and the key milestones that will be achieved were presented. The importance of cooperation, teamwork and the exchange of ideas among all project partners was emphasized. At the meeting, we had the opportunity to introduce ourselves in more detail and get to know each other better. At the end of the meeting we established clear guidelines for further work and agreed on planning the next steps. Regular communication and progress tracking are key elements of our strategy. All the consortium partners agree that the power of collective knowledge, different perspectives and the transfer of good practice are the key to excellent results.
We invite you to follow the social media posts of the consortium partners, where we will keep you updated on progress and achievements, and especially on events that will also be open to the general public.