Molecular Biology: Polymerase Chain Reaction GeneAmp PCR System 2700 (Applied Biosystems), real-time PCR LightCycler 480 (Roche), imaging system (iBright FL1500, Thermo Fischer Scientific), benchtop fluorometer (Qubit 4, Thermo Fischer Scientific), electrophoresis system (2100 Bioanalyzer, Agilent), UV irradiation system (UVP Crosslinker CL-3000 (254 nm) and CL-3000L (365 nm), AnalytikJena)
Production and Purification of Proteins and Nucleic Acids: complete equipment for cloning and protein expression in bacteria, yeast and insect cells, preparative cooled centrifuges and ultracentrifuge, cell homogenizer (PT 3100, Polytron), sonicator (Cole Parmer), sonicator (Bioruptor® Pico, Diagenode), French press (EmulsiFlex-C5, Avestin), preparative chromatographic systems for protein separation and purification (Äkta Purifier, Äkta FPLC, Äkta pure 25 M1, GE Healthcare), analytical HPLC and UPLC systems (Waters), storage systems (cold room, refrigerators, freezers (-20 °C and -70°C)), equipment for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE, native-PAGE, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of Proteins and Lipids: UV/Vis spectrophotometer (Agilent), Spectrophotometer Nanodrop One (Thermo Fischer Scientific), western blot transfer system (iBlot 2 Dry Blotting System, Thermo Fisher Scientific), Fluorometer (PTI), Chirascan CD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics, consortium), VP-ITC Microcalorimeter (MicroCal, consortium), Microscale Thermophoresis MST (Nanotemper, consorium), Electrophysiology measurements: Orbit mini system (Nanion), MinION systems (Oxford Nanopore Technologies), a planar lipid bilayer setup (Elements, Italy), Quartz Crystal Microbalance (OpenQCM, Novaetech), X100 and T200 SPR systems (Biacore, GE Healthcare), Multimodal plate reader (Synergy2, BioTek, consortium), Rotavapor (Büchi), system for preparation of liposomes (Mini-Extruder, Avanti Polar Lipids) and liposome leakage analysis, Freezing point osmometer (Osmomat 3000, Gonotec), TLC plate heater (Camag), system for biophysical charcterization of protein samples (Prometheus Panta, Nanotemper)
Structural characterization of Biological Molecules: Air-conditioned laboratory (20 °C) for manual crystallization with a stereo microscope (Nikon), cryo-EM sample preparation room with Vitrobot (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and other pieces of equipment for preparation of samples for cryo-EM, cryo-transmission electron microscope Glacios (Thermo Scientific, 200 kV; single particle analysis, cryo-electron tomography, micro-electron diffraction, consortium), Computer servers (data storage, processing, refinement and model building using modern cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography software)
Cell Biology: BSL 2 cabinets (Iskra PIO), CO2 incubators (Binder, Thermo), multimodal plate reader (BMG), multi-mode reagent dispenser (Precision BioTek), multi-modular liquid N2 culture storage facility (Biosafe), flow cytometer and cell sorter (CyFlow Space, Sysmex Partec, konzorcij), fluorescence microscope (Zeiss), confocal microscope (Leica TCS SP5, consortium), light microscope (EVOS M5000, Thermo Fisher Scientific)