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Determination of sample density with He-pycnometry - AP development, Quantitative & Qualitative analysis, validactions, research.
EquipmentMicromeritics, model AccuPyc II 1345, firmware: 4.00
FieldPhysico-chemical sample properties
PlatformDetermination of skeletal sample density
TechnicsDetermination of skeletal or real sample density with helium
KontaktVid Simon Šelih
+386 1 4760 474
DescriptionDetermination of real or skeletal density of solid materials based on dispalcement of gas from the porous structure of the sample (macro-, meso- and micropores) with helium, where the volume of the samples is determined indirectly by measurung the presuure in a calibrated system. Development and validation of analytical procedures, implementation of research and analysis.
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