Cryo-TEM electron microscope Glacios
Cryo-TEM microscope Glacios enables: single-particle analysis, cryo-tomography and electron diffraction on microcrystals. In this way we can observe biological samples in near native environment. Observation of non-biological samples is also possible.
Sample preparation is also possible at the Department where the equipment is located.
Access to the equipment
Equipment is accessible to expert users only. All users (internal or external), should first use the contact below and discuss the feasibility of the project. If the project is feasible, the user may get a predetermined time slot to record data. Only advanced users, who have extensive experience with such equipment can do the experiment themselves. In the case of non-experienced as well as external users, the experiments will be done either in collaboration with certified experienced internal users and/or facility manager.

Projects and financing
Financial contributions for the microscope
The aim of the is to establish a state-of-the-art infrastructure for translational research in the field of pharmacy and biomedicine, and to encourage innovations that seek new entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of drug development and drug repurposing. The principle of translational research is to ensure that new findings come into practice as quickly as possible, either in the process of drug development, diagnostic approaches, or to the patients. The concept of reflects the mission of the multicentric research infrastructure of the umbrella organization EATRIS ERIC, which predicts the establishment of a node in the partner member states. Correspondingly, pursues institutional and regional representation within Slovenia, which enables networking, cooperation, and faster and higher quality research. The project has the status of an implemented ESFRI project and thus ranks as a national priority field for the development of research infrastructure, and its goal is to increase the international competitiveness of Slovenian infrastructure for research and development.
ELIXIR Slovenia (ELIXIR-SI) is a Slovenian node of ELIXIR coordinated by University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine. ELIXIR-SI members are many other leading Slovenian research organizations.ELIXIR-SI is actively upgrading the existing and is establishing new infrastructure in the Slovenian research area through three pillars: (1) national infrastructure for obtaining high-density data with high-throughput laboratory technologies (genomic technologies), (2) a central national data node for life sciences and (3) center for education and training in life sciences (usage of bioinformatic tools, analysis and services). The research infrastructure upgrade is funded by European Regional Development Fund and by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and is expected to be finished in mid 2021.