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Research activities

The research work in the Department of Analytical Chemistry runs under the Research Program P1-0034 "Analytics and chemical characterization of materials and processes" and includes fundamental studies and development of analytical tools, sensors, and approaches in three strongly interconnected fields:

1. Electrochemical (Bio)Sensing:

  •  Development of electrochemical (micro)sensors, biosensors, and gas sensors
  •  Study of electrode processes and new sensing materials
  •  Development of electrochemical methodologies and application studies

2. Elemental (Bio)Imaging:

  • Development of laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) protocols for 2D/3D elemental imaging in topical samples associated with environmental, biomedical, and material research
  • Development of in-situ single-particle (SP) analysis methods in nan(bio)metallomics, including sizing and counting, based on LA-SP-ICP-MS

3. Atmospheric Chemistry:

  • Study of chemical processes in atmospheric aerosols
  • Physico-chemical characterization of size-segregated atmospheric (nano)aerosols
  • Development of novel methods for (outdoor & indoor) nanoparticle characterization and study of their transformations

At the public call for increased funding of research programs of public research organizations in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, we obtained increased funding of the program P1-0034 "Analytics and chemical characterization of materials and processes" for the research activities under the Topic B, in the amount of 1800 research hours per year, for the period of two years.

We also provide:

  • special chemical analysis and sample preparation studies for industrial and other partners (also in the frame of Infrastructure program) with emphasis on the development and adaptation of analytical methodologies for all kinds of samples (environmental, industrial, biological, pharmaceutical, etc.) for measuring practically all elements and numerous inorganic and organic ions
  • education and supervision of under-graduate and post-graduate students, and post-doctoral guest-fellows
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