Macroporous synthteic polypeptide scaffolds

The ultimate goal of scaffolding for tissue engineering is to create functional and implantable scaffolds capable of providing suitable micro-environments for optimal cell growth, differentiation and function. In this respect, the scaffolds should be biocompatible and biodegradable, possess an interconnected macroporous structure for cell penetration and transfer of metabolites and nutrients and suitable functionality to promote cell adhesion. Synthetic polypeptides have been identified as one of the most promising candidates for the scaffold design due to their biodegradability, biocompatibility and cell adhesive properties.
Invention provides a synthetic method to prepare functional macroporous scaffolds composed entirely of synthetic polypeptides by emulsion templating. The materials are distinguished by highly interconnected macroporous morphology and tailored physical and chemical properties.
Main advantages
The wide variety of available amino acids offers considerable chemical diversity, allowing preparation of biocompatible and biodegradable polymer scaffolds with tunable physico–chemical properties, such as hydrophobicity, solvent uptake, mechanical properties, conjugation with biomolecules, and stimuli-responsive behaviour.
Fileds of use: Advanced Materials, Biobased and Degradable Polymers
Technology Readiness Level: TRL3
Intellectual property: Know-how
Partner sought: R&D collaboration to further develop the technology in an industrial environment, licensing or sell of IP rights.
Next steps needed: Partner search for product development and in vivo testing