Izbrana znanstvena dela Kemijskega inštituta v letu 2017
Izvirna znanstvena dela
- LJUBETIČ, Ajasja, LAPENTA, Fabio, GRADIŠAR, Helena, DROBNAK, Igor, AUPIČ, Jana, STRMŠEK, Žiga, LAINŠČEK, Duško, HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva, MAJERLE, Andreja, KRIVEC, Nuša, BENČINA, Mojca, PISANSKI, Tomaž, ĆIRKOVIĆ-VELIČKOVIĆ, Tanja, ROUND, Adam, CARAZO, José María, MELERO, Roberto, JERALA, Roman. Design of coiled-coil protein-origami cages that self-assemble in vitro and in vivo. Nature Biotechnology, 2017, vol. 35, str. 1094–1101. [COBISS.SI-ID 6266906]
- ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Domain-wall conduction in ferroelectric BiFeO3BiFeO3 controlled by accumulation of charged defects. Nature Materials, vol. 16, no. 3, str. 322-327. [COBISS.SI-ID 29936679]
- CRUZ-CHÚ, Eduardo R., PAPADOPOULOU, Ermioni, WALTHER, Jens H., POPADIĆ, Aleksandar, LI, Gengyun, PRAPROTNIK, Matej, KOUMOUTSAKOS, Petros. On phonons and water flow enhancement in carbon nanotubes. Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, vol. 12, iss. 12, str. 1106-1108. [COBISS.SI-ID 6285594]
- LENARČIČ, Tea, ALBERT, Isabell, BÖHM, Hannah, HODNIK, Vesna, PIRC, Katja, BEDINA ZAVEC, Apolonija, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, PAHOVNIK, David, ŽAGAR, Ema, PRUITT, Rory, GREIMEL, Peter, YAMAJI-HASEGAWA, Akiko, KOBAYASHI, Toshihide, ZIENKIEWICZ, Agnieszka, GÖMANN, Jasmin, MORTIMER, Jenny C., FANG, Lin, MAMODE-CASSIM, Adiilah, DELEU, Magali, LINS, Laurence, OECKING, Claudia, FEUSSNER, Ivo, MONGRAND, Sébastien, ANDERLUH, Gregor, NÜRNBERGER, Thorsten. Eudicot plant-specific sphingolipids determine host selectivity of microbial NLP cytolysins. Science, 2017, vol. 358, no. 6369, str. 1431-1434. [COBISS.SI-ID 6289178]
- KRAJNC, Andraž, VARLEC, Jure, MAZAJ, Matjaž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, MALI, Gregor. Superior performance of microporous aluminophosphate with LTA topology in solar-energy storage and heat reallocation. Advanced Energy Materials, 2017, str. 1601815-1-1601815-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 6070810]
- DROBNAK, Igor, GRADIŠAR, Helena, LJUBETIČ, Ajasja, MERLJAK, Estera, JERALA, Roman. Modulation of coiled-coil dimer stability through surface residues while preserving pairing specificity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, vol. 139, iss. 24, str. 8229-8236. [COBISS.SI-ID 6191642]
- JOVANOVIČ, Primož, HODNIK, Nejc, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ARČON, Iztok, JOZINOVIĆ, Barbara, ZORKO, Milena, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, HOČEVAR, Samo B., GABERŠČEK, Miran. Electrochemical dissolution of iridium and iridium oxide particles in acidic media : transmission electron microscopy, electrochemical flow cell coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, vol. 139, iss. 36, str. 12837-12846. [COBISS.SI-ID 6203674]
- SIRACUSANO, Stefania, HODNIK, Nejc, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, BAGLIO, Vincenzo, ARICÒ, Salvatore. New insights into the stability of a high performance nanostructured catalyst for sustainable water electrolysis. Nano Energy, 2017, vol. 40, str. 618-632. [COBISS.SI-ID 6224154]
- POHAR, Jelka, LAINŠČEK, Duško, IVIČAK-KOCJAN, Karolina, CAJNKO, Miša Mojca, JERALA, Roman, BENČINA, Mojca. Short single-stranded DNA degradation products augment the activation of Toll-like receptor 9. Nature Communications, vol. 8, str. 1-13. [COBISS.SI-ID 6146842]
- KOCMAN, Vojč, PLAVEC, Janez. Tetrahelical structural family adopted by AGCGA-rich regulatory DNA regions. Nature Communications, 2017, vol. 8, str. 1-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 6146586]
Pregledna znanstvena dela
- DELLE SITE, Luigi, PRAPROTNIK, Matej. Molecular systems with open boundaries : theory and simulation. Physics Reports, 2017, vol. 693, str. 1-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 6173722]