L06 Laboratorij za prehrambeno kemijo
Temeljne in aplikativne raziskave na področju funkcionalnih živil, prehranskih dopolnil in naravnih biološko aktivnih spojin iz rastlinskih materialov. Razvoj in validacija različnih analiznih metod na osnovi kromatografskih (((U)HPLC, HPTLC, GC) in sklopljenih ((U)HPLC-MS, HPTLC-MS, GC-MS, IC-MS) tehnik v okviru raziskovalnih projektov in za potrebe slovenskih in tujih raziskovalnih inštitucij, industrije in državnih organov.

Sodelavke in sodelavci
Vodja laboratorija
Raziskovalke in raziskovalci
Strokovno osebje
Doktorandke in doktorandi
Reprezentativne publikacije
- BENSA, Maja, VOVK, Irena, GLAVNIK, Vesna. Resveratrol food supplement products and the challenges of accurate label information to ensure food safety for consumers. Nutrients, 2023, 15, 2, 474.
- BERLIC, Maja, JUG, Urška, BATTELINO, Tadej, LEVART, Alenka, DIMITROVSKA, Ivana, ALBREHT, Alen, KOROŠEC, Mojca. Antioxidant-rich foods and nutritional value in daily kindergarten menu: a randomized controlled evaluation executed in Slovenia. Food chemistry, 2023, 404, part A, 134566.
- METLIČAR, Valentina, ALBREHT, Alen. Esterification of lutein from Japanese knotweed waste gives a range of lutein diester products with unique chemical stability.ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2022, 10, 18, 6072–6081.
- METLIČAR, Valentina, KRANJC, Krištof, ALBREHT, Alen. Utilization of plant-based wastes for a sustainable preparation of xanthophyll esters via acid anhydrides using β−pinene as a bio-derived solvent.ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2021, 9, 31, 10651-10661.
- JUG, Urška, VOVK, Irena, GLAVNIK, Vesna, MAKUC, Damjan, NAUMOSKA, Katerina. Off-line multidimensional high performance thin-layer chromatography for fractionation of Japanese knotweed rhizome bark extract and isolation of flavan-3-ols, proanthocyanidins and anthraquinones. Journal of chromatography. A, 2021, 1637, 461802.