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Prof. Dr. Nataša Zabukovec Logar

Head of the department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology, National Institute of Chemistry
Full Professor of Chemistry at University of Nova Gorica

E-mail: natasa.zabukovec(at)
Tel: +386-1-4760-371
Mobile: +386-40-752255


1993- National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), SI, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology, currently as Senior Research Advisor
 1995- 1996 University of Manchester, GB, School of Chemistry, visiting researcher at the Structural Chemistry department, development of crystallographic methods
 2004- University of Nova Gorica, SI, part-time employment; currently also as Director of Master study program Materials Science
 2010- 2014 Centre of Excellence Low-Carbon Technologies, SI, part-time employment, Head of research and development group “Materials for hydrogen storage”
 2014- ZAE Bayern Centre for Applied Energy Research, Garching, D, visiting scientist, work in the field of materials for heat storage

Research interests & expertise:

Development of new inorganic and metal-organic porous materials with optimised/selective sorption properties for heat and gas storage/separations; studies of sorption mechanisms of metals and organic pollutants on natural and synthetic zeolites for their efficient removal from waste-water and drinking water; structural studies of porous catalysts and adsorbents with X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques.


1992 B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Ljubljana
1998 Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Ljubljana; Thesis: Structural Characterisation of Phosphate-Based Molecular Sieves

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